Buick produced this black over grey over black color combination on the turbo regals from 1984-1986, but the 1986 Regal T-Type WH1 was the most popular… and also th...
Produced in 1987 only, the Buick Regal WE4 package was basically so GM could sell more black turbo regals! Yes, they’re kind of rare… No, you probably still c...
Like hanging out at Buick car shows? WITH your Turbo Regal? Does your Buick Regal Grand National have what it takes to take Best in Class? Not Sure? See what you’ll...
Did you miss out on buying these black Turbo Buick Regals? Don’t worry, with the economy what it is, there’s more 1987 Buick Grand National for sale out there...
Does the battery in your buick regal grand national keep going dead? Sounds like something is draining the battery. Usually, it’s one of four things: ~ fuel delay r...
Here’s a quick look at just a few of the dvd’s that have been produced over the years. . . . { You can find the Buick Race Day DVD shown above for sale...
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