PA: Kirban Performance Spring Open House 4-30-16

WHEN: Saturday, April 30rd, 2016 – 9 am – 2 pm

WHERE: Kirban Performance Shop

WHAT: Open House Event & car meet


Yum Yum donuts and coffee will be available in the morning.
Terry Shaw will be conducting a seminar on the importance of having your car appraised.

Unique limited production items available for sale at this event.
Also samples of our their project.

3 different trophies will be awarded:
One will be for Longest Distance driven in a Turbo Regal to our event.
Another trophy will be awarded for the car needing the most TLC, meaning the one Turbo Regal needing the most tender loving care.
Last but not least, Kirban’s Choice award, which will be one that he picks that he likes or represents a car that he would buy.

Russ and Nancy have agreed to do the cooking again.
The luncheon is strictly by donation with all proceeds going to PBS, which Russ and Nancy support.

This is the only Open House they are doing this year, so you don’t want to miss it!

They will have an array of used parts for sale, their regular M&M contest, and the no reserve auction. This event has no rain date.

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