2013 Woodward Dream Cruise

Unlike the major buick gathering on Woodward Avenue this past Wednesday, Saturdays huge event covering multiple cities from 8 mile all the way into Pontiac at 20 mile road was outstanding as always, even though the turbo buicks were spread out all over the place.

I saw 20 turbo regals out and about, but never ventured south of 13 mile road.
So if you didn’t actually “cruise” your car on Woodward, you missed out, because odds are (especially at this event), your car will never be seen on this website!
How ya expect to become famous if you &/or your car aren’t seen RIGHT HERE???!!!


Here’s some of the cars that cruised Woodward this year:


Sitting in a parking lot, here’s 2 nice low mileage original example Buick Regal Grand Nationals!

turbocharged buick regallow mile buick grand national


on woodward avenueturbo regal on woodward

1985 turbo buickbuick regal on woodward

t-top buick grand nationalbuick wh1 on woodward

A Buick GNX cruising at the Woodward Dream Cruise:

gnx on woodwardbuick gnx on woodward

cruising woodward in a buick gnx


buick club on woodward


cruising the gnturbo buick at woodward

woodward buick gnwoodward gn

parked on woodward avenuebuick at woodward avenue

gnx clonebuick gnx clone

87 buick gn at woodwardparked buick regal gn

fade to black buickfade to black

a few other black warriors:

1996 chevy impala ss1996 impala ss

black mercury marauderchevy monte ss


Other G-Bodies at the 2013 event:

hurst olds on woodwardw30 hurst olds

hurst olds cutlass


GM Buick’s presence:

new buick regalbuick on woodward

old buick carsold buick car


white mercury maraudergrey impala ss


Were you one of the million people that were at this event?
Was your car one of the 40,000+ that attended?
If not, don’t miss out next year!


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