There’s plenty of rear axles that you can stuff under your Turbo Buick besides the OEM stock 10 bolt rear end. Sure, most non-factory units will require some mods (...
If you’re not sure how the lines run to the trans cooler on your Buick Turbo Regal, here’s a drawing of the proper routing method. Make note that it’s d...
If you’re dealing with the front coil springs on your turbo regal and wondering what the correct ones should be, or you’ve modded your Buick Regal and need to...
. . When you are connecting the vacuum lines to/from your turbo, there’s a few different ways to do it, depending on what else you have connected to the turbocharge...
. . When you’re looking to acquire new rims for your Buick Grand National (or other model Turbo Regal), most wheel manufacturing companies use the “backspace...
. . Some tracks run the 8th mile, some run the 1/4 mile. Ever wonder how fast eighth mile times are in quarter mile times? Or vice-versa? Here’s a handy chart I fou...