Custom Hot Wheels Buick GN’s

We’ve seen lots of customized Hot Wheels Pennzoil Buick Grand National vehicles before.
Recently one seller had a bunch of these types, painted with assorted colors on them for sale.
These were made in purple, pink, blue, green.
(and available for just $49.99!)

[ The original factory HW versions of the Pennzoil car came in white, yellow, and silver, see them here: Pennzoil Buicks ]



Another custom 1:64 scale diecast, called Kandy Kustoms “Gold Fare,” also using the Hot Wheels Pennzoil Buick GN cars.
We saw a purple one (1 of 5 made) and a brown version (1 of 1 made).
(listed for $69.99 on ebay!)



We don’t get into collecting custom diecasts like this, but perhaps there’s a market for them, or the seller thinks there is.
They’re currently listed on ebay if you want to add them to your Buick diecast car collection.

Here's some related Buick items if you happen to be shopping for Buick merchandise! (if you can't see them, turn off your ad blocker!)





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