Eastpointe Gratiot Cruise 2023

Saturday, June 17, 2023, the annual Gratiot Cruise was held in Eastpointe, Mich.

The turnout wasn’t great (not a real shocker), about the same as last year, but not too bad considering this car cruise has been on a steady decline for the last decade.

There were a few other auto shows going on today, which isn’t an excuse, but people are maybe spreading out, and possibly only participating in the events that are nearby to them (for the most part).
This is still a worthwhile place to be if you’re an auto buff.

About a dozen various Turbo Buicks were in attendance, along with some older Buicks.
A lot of other G-body vehicles, a bunch of A-bodies, and all the other 4-wheel wonders cruised down Gratiot Avenue on this warm sunny day.

This next week (Wednesday-Sunday) will be a busy one for us.
There’s a car show going on every single day!
Perhaps we’ll see your classic automobile there…

[ check the schedule here: Michigan car show list ]




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