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Lakeside Mall Car Show June 2024

On Monday, June 3, 2024, we cruised on over to the weekly Lakeside Mall event, run by the Funtime Cruzers, in Sterling Heights, Michigan.

This event usually draws out a nice wide selection of automobiles, and today was no different. With great weather, the section of the lot this is done at was pretty filled!

This specific car show will be held at this venue until the end of June, when it will be forced to move elsewhere, since they intend to demolish this mall.

We wanted to attend at least once before that happens, as the Lakeside Mall was one of the better ones around, way back in the day. It brings back a bunch of memories from years past. But, ah, all in the name of progress, or so they say…


We went to the Cruisin’ 53 Car Show yesterday, and there were at least three times as many cars today at this event than over there! We saw at least 250 assorted hot rods spread throughout the Lakeside Mall parking lot.




We drove around the outer perimeter and took some pics of Lakeside Mall, as a remembrance:


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