RARE NOS Molly Buick GNX Jacket & Hat

The Buick GNX is the Holy Grail when it comes to Turbo Regals, since only 547 were created.

Each original owner of this limited production vehicle was entitled to claim a special made jacket produced for it.

Made by Molly Designs, it has the words “GNX Buick” embroidered on the left chest, and the inner tag states “Made in USA, Molly Designs, Inc., Irvine, California.”

The tag underneath that contains washing instructions, with another tag on top of it indicating the jacket size.

This unique jacket is probably more rare than the exclusive Gbody Regal itself, since clothes wear out over time when used, and not every Buick GNX owner claimed the jacket.

Currently listed on Ebay (buy it now) for $4995.00 (yes, 5 grand!) if you’re in the market.

[ These don’t come up often for sale, the last one we actually saw that sold, got $3000 for it! That was quite a few years ago. ]

[ UPDATE: The listing sold, for “best offer accepted” – meaning the seller didn’t get $4995 for it, but did sell these items, for an undisclosed amount less than asking ]

The listing includes a Molly made Buick GNX cap as well.
(these hats were available thru Molly’s catalog, to anyone that wanted one)

[photos from the sellers listing]





Here's some related Buick items if you happen to be shopping for Buick merchandise! (if you can't see them, turn off your ad blocker!)





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