Turbocharger Air Flow Route & How Turbos Work

Even though there’s some pretty funny memes out there about the “witchcraft” of turbos (air goes in, magic comes out…), it’s really not that magical.
Yes, there’s a process that happens related to turbochargers, and yes, they’re special to us Turbo Regal guys (and gals), but they’re simply just a mechanical part attached to an engine that makes the cars go vroom vroom.

Below is a diagram of what makes the turbocharger function.
There’s also a video showing you it in the process of doing its thing.
Finally, another video explaining exactly how the turbos work.

We felt this was a beneficial post to show those who don’t fully understand and newcomers to the turbocharged world what the turbo actually does for the Buick motors.



A simple animated video showing how exhaust gases drive a turbocharger:



Turbos: How They Work
How do turbos work? What is boost? What is the difference between twin turbo and bi turbo? What are the benefits and disadvantages of each?



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