1:18 Scale GMP 8001B (Black Chrome) 1987 Grand National (GMP 10th Anniversary)

Details about this Model:


GMP Part Number: 8001B

Vehicle Color: chrome black

Interior Color: black/gray

Production Run: 2508

Release Date: December 2002

Window Sticker Included: no

Envelope For Window Sticker: no

Lithograph Made: yes

Lithograph Production Quantity: 354

Litho Autographed by: n/a

COA Included: yes

Outer Box: no

Part of a Set/Group: no



THIS is the 11th car in the series.


This is the first black chrome car that was released.
(a Buick GNX version with the same chrome black color would be released following this issue {the next model in this series}, as a special edition because of Buick’s Centennial).


This would be the last car ever to have the (only) silver foil stamping on the inner box.
{the logo design style imprinted would be changed on the next issue & it would be stamped in red AND silver foil on future car boxes}.


The Buick Grand National fender emblem is printed in a ghost shadow on the background of the Certificate of Authenticity.


Tim Frederick is the artist who created the 354 lithographs that came with this issue. (the litho is dated 11-02).


The car is mirror-like and very hard to photograph!



The Front Side of the Box says:

How It All Started, Tom Long, GMP President

It was 1991 and I was working as a manufacturers rep selling industrial fasteners and assembly equipment. My real interest has always been car related, especially racing. Of course, living in the South this meant stock car racing sprinkled with unlimited Saturday night short track action. AS NASCAR was exploding, so was the beginning of related collectibles including die cast. A good friend, Brian Thomas started Unique Designs Collectibles handling the die cast Matchbox, Revell, and other related merchandise. Sales were brisk. We noticed that the drivers of the Busch Series were not very well represented so I made a trip to Charlotte and started knocking on doors. Before I knew it, I had a handful of agreements signed by teams to make 1:64 scale replicas of their transporters. I then made a deal with The Ertl Company to supply these models which was later rescinded due to a conflict with another customer. So there I was with good license no supplier when enters Mr. Stan Gill of RCI fame. Stan told me about a new mold they were opening and would like to supply our new company Peachstate Motorsports. This was in early 1992 and in October of that year our first shipment of the Harry Gant / Mac Tools transporter replicas arrived. Thanks to the good Lord, my wife Barbara, and many friends and collectors, this first release of 10,000 pieces sold out. AS RCI/RCCA became Action Performance Companies, a great story by itself, Peachstate decided to open their own molds in China thanks to the help of a great friend, Dick Nelson who’s name is not unfamiliar in this industry. Soon, we opened other molds like the 1:18 winged sprint and the vintage dirt car series. Then muscle cars like the Buick, Nova and Pontiac. And now we have three factories producing models from over forty different families of molds, some models with close to four hundred parts. In December of 1992, we started Georgia Marketing & Promotions, as a wholesale division. My brother Mark came on board and did a great job of establishing dealer network that is still the core of our wholesale business today. Peachstate has blended into Georgia Marketing so we are now known simply as GMP. We are still a small company of only nine dedicated employees (whoa re really more like family members) operating out of about 13,000 square feet in Winder, Georgia which is about fifty miles north and east of downtown Atlanta. We are close to Road Atlanta, Lamer Raceway, and Atlanta International Raceway in Commerce. We are constantly expanding our lines based on collector feedback. Our philosophy has always been to listen to the collector and do whatever it takes to make them happy. The best product in the world will sell for a little while but true success comes from satisfied customers. Our plan for the future is to continue making collectors happy.



GMP 10th Anniversary
1 of only 2 cars to be issued using an oversized box (the very next car {the GNX} would be the second)


GMP 10th Anniversary box
the front side of the box, read “How It All Started” above
GMP 10th Anniversary diecast box
the back side of the box, read “GMP’s Mission Statement” below
gmp box


The Back Side of the Box says:

GMP Mission Statement

Offer the best *value possible in accurately detailed die cast models through exhaustive research and development followed by rigidly controlled manufacturing. With this process firmly in place, GMP feels the ultimate goal of satisfying our customer, the collector enthusiast, will be achieved! In order to achieve this goal, the inital phase must be to listen and act on the collector’s input. The final measure of success is the collector’s response of satisfaction and joy derived from their GMP replica. It is also our goal to reach out to as many collectors’ interests as possible by diversifying subject matter… another function of listening closely to our customers!

* Note: We understand the definition of “value” as follows: Val-ue (val-yu) n 1: a fair return or equivalent in money, goods, or services for something exchanged. The new Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

In other words, value does not mean the most expensive… and we believe service after the sale is just as important as the product itself, an essential ingredient of “the value”!



GMP Buick 10th Anniversary diecast box
the sticker that Epitome placed on the sides of the box showed a picture of the diecast and the L/E car number
GMP 10th Anniversary Special Edition
the GM logo used on previous boxes is missing from this issue
GMP 10th Anniversary Special Edition Buick Grand National


GMP 8001B 10th Anniversary Special Edition Buick Grand National

GMP 8001B 10th Anniversary Buick Grand National
a big silver foil stamped GMP logo inside
GMP 8001B Anniversary Buick Grand National
details about the Buick GN and GMP


GMP 8001B Buick Grand National
metallic medallion embedded into the felt liner inside the box
GMP 8001B 1987 Buick Grand NationalGMP 8001B 1987 Buick diecast


GMP 8001B 1987 Buick diecast model


GMP 8001B 1987 Buick diecast model carGMP 8001B 1987 Buick diecast carGMP 8001B 1987 Buick model


GMP 8001B
chrome black finish is like a mirror!
8001b buick
check out the reflection of the hand in the door
8001b buick diecast


8001b buick diecast car8001b buick diecast model carbuick grand national diecast model car


buick grand national diecast modelbuick grand national diecast carbuick grand national diecast


buick grand national model1987 buick grand national model1987 buick grand national diecast


1987 buick diecast1987 grand national diecast1987 grand national model


1987 buick modelgmp buick modelgmp buick diecast


gmp buick diecast cargmp buick scale carbuick grand national lithograph


1987 buick grand national lithographEpitome buick grand national lithographEpitome Exclusives buick grand national lithograph


Epitome Exclusives 1987 buick grand national lithograph




If you missed the descriptive overview on these 1:18 scale models:
GMP Turbo Buick Series


NEXT car in the series: Black Chrome Buick GNX (Buick Centennial issue).
Be SURE to check back tomorrow to see it!


Want to see a list of ALL the Buick Regal diecast cars ever produced?
(including GMP & many more).
>>> Turbo Regal Scale Cars <<<



****** ** *** *

[editors note: this installment has been edited as Ted originally mentions about 2 different models in this story, the wh-1 (the previous car in the series) and the black chrome grand national. To keep all the info herein on this page about only the GMP 10th Anniversary car, we are only including the relevant info for this model in this version of the story.]

8th installment, Epitome Exclusives

I’m going to talk about the 11th produced, the 1987 Grand National Black Chrome.

The 1987 Grand National in Black Chrome, was paired with what would be my favorite lithograph we ever did for a host of reasons.
The lithograph depicts a Viper in the right lane being passed by a Grand National in the left lane that sports the personalized license plate “VPR SNPR.”
There is a road sign that states “Slower Vehicles Keep Right,” just to rub it in a little more.
This whole lithograph came about because of that sign.
On my then frequent trips west on route 84 to see Jack Cotton to work on my car, this is a real road sign that I believe is still there today.

It inspired me to come up with a lithograph befitting this sign and this depiction was it.
Other than the fact that it was such a huge hit, there are reasons it is special to me.
I had to lay this scene out on an art board using cut outs from real pictures I had taken to create the scene I wanted the artist to paint.
The Viper pic and the road sign pic were easy, it was the GN pic taken at the angle I wanted on the right road that was tricky.
I had my dad drive my Grand National and park in the oncoming traffic lane on a two lane road in a number of places.
The one in the lithograph was perfect.
So that’s why I love it so much, it’s my car with my dad driving it passing a Viper in the final artwork.

****** ** *** *


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