Buick Grand National Replacing Rear Coat Hooks (Project Blackout)


If you have the need to know how to replace the coat hooks in a Buick Grand National, you’ve come to the right place!

This specific Gbody Regal didn’t have the coat hooks reinstalled when the previous owner had the headliner replaced, so we originally just left them off.

Besides, who uses them nowadays anyways?

They do make a good extra part as support for keeping the headliner up though, so we decided since we are doing this blackout series to totally dechrome the interior of this 1987 Buick Grand National, just go ahead and black them out and install them.

The chrome ones we had were really pitted and dirty (1 of the reasons we never installed them).

We initially were going to just buy new ones that were already black (but we think none of the G-bodied vehicles come with black versions), and we couldn’t find any reasonable pair of new coat hooks to buy.

None of the ones we saw really match the OEM style, and the prices for them were kind of outrageous (for what they are) – $40-$50 a set!

That’s crazy, so we just ended up painting our factory chrome versions black (using the black matte plasti dip we’ve been using on some of these other projects) and called it a day!

There’s a gray backing piece (that rests against the headliner), and it was kind of dirty and scratched up as well, so we simply painted that part black too.

[had it not been in that bad a shape, we would have left it gray, to give this area some contrast]


Cleaning these pieces, roughing them up (a lot, to flatten out the pitting) with the red scotchbrite, primer, then painting them took 20 minutes. And we gave them an hour to dry.

(a warm day made the process go quickly)

Just 1 (chrome) phillips screw holds each one in.
Of course, we swapped out the chrome version for a black one!



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