Cyberdyne Digital Dash Gauges For Buick Regal

We are halfway through our instrument cluster dashboard gauges series that we are presenting this week.
If you haven’t been impressed with any of the setups so far, hang tight, there’s 3 more days of choices and options to go!


Cyberdyne instrument clusters were a popular option in the late 1990s and early 2000s.
The gauges were fully digital readouts in red colored LEDs.

The company was eventually bought out by someone else, and they do not make the cluster setups like shown here any longer.
They do still make single (round) gauges however.

There’s not a whole lot of information available online for this particular dash gauge setup (like the others we’re showing you).

Every now and then, on the Buick forums and Ebay, this style of dash gauges will pop up for sale, but we feel there’s much better choices than this specific gauge setup.
Not to mention since they’re not made anymore, it would be difficult to repair, replace or get the needed sensors, etc., for them.



See what these gauges look like installed on this Buick Turbo T:
(starts around the 55 second mark)



More dash gauge instrument cluster setups are on the way!
Tomorrow we show you the Egauges Plus Dash Gauge Package.



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