Funny Buick Dealer TV Commercial with Grand National!

Back in 1986 a local car dealer ran a comical TV Commercial that had a Buick Grand National in it.
The engine sounds are obviously dubbed in, but still, it is pretty funny.

Ron Slivka Buick was that dealer, with the dealership on Saginaw Road in Grand Blanc, Michigan.

TV Commercials that featured a Buick Grand National, or even a Turbo T or t-type were rare.

This commercial aired October 26th, 1986. It appeared during a broadcast of “Witch’s Night Out” on Channel 66 in Flint Michigan. WSMH was an independent TV station in Flint Michigan.




Here's some related Buick items if you happen to be shopping for Buick merchandise! (if you can't see them, turn off your ad blocker!)







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