N Gratiot Cruise 2022 Chesterfield MI

Not even the late morning rain could stop the several hundred motorists who were intent on participating in the annual North Gratiot Avenue Summer Cruise.

Saturday, September 24, in Chesterfield, Michigan, (mostly) from 21-23 Mile Road, hot rods, muscle cars, and more, made their way down this strech of road for the end of summer, and the last official car cruise, for 2022.

[note, there’s still many cruise-in type shows happening for the next few weeks, not to mention the unoffical Hines Cruuse on Oct 23. Car show list here]

We spotted 12 Buick Grand Nationals & a Regal T-type, amongst lots of other various G-body vehicles at this event.

The upcoming plans for us include 5 more events (2 are happening today, Sunday), plus at least a couple more of the smaller weekly shows.
You better get them in while you still can, the weather is getting cold!




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