Mainstreet Memories 2024

Some of the (normally) big auto shows and car cruises this year have been absolutely killing it this season in terms of attendance and participation, setting all-time high records all over the place.
We’ve been to at least 2 or 3 of these auto events in 2024.

The “Wheels on The Waterfront” show (AKA Mainstreet Memories), held on Saturday, July 27, at the Acheson Ventures & Bay Mills Waterfont property, in Port Huron, Michigan, had 400+ pre-registered vehicles (a new record).

Of course, there were many more hot rods of all kinds that showed up on the day of the event.
Their goal was 1000+ cars lined up on the field for this yearly event.
We’re not sure they made it, as we generally arrive in the early afternoon (but cars start lining up here at 8am), and when we got there, we guesstimate 500-600 were on display.
We were told that a lot of cars had already left by the time we arrived, so who knows the actual total count (I’m sure someone will mention this on social media).

We saw some GM G-body vehicles and lots of A-bodies, plus older Buicks and other neat hot rods.
A good first event (of 2) for today.


THIS was the first stop for today, with the Telegraph Road Cruise immediately following, for which you will see pics from that event tomorrow.


> GM A-body LED kits <   are available as well !



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