MI: 2013 Gratiot Cruise in Clinton Township Page 2

More pictures below from the Clinton Township Gratiot Cruise of 2013.
(with a lil variety too: pontiac olds dodge chevrolet).


buick dealershipcruising gratiot1987 regal

turbo buick on gratiot1987 turbo regalturbo regal on gratiot

buick grand national on gratiotturbo buick regalbuick gn on gratiot

pontiac GTO1984 pontiac fiero indy pace car1984 pontiac fiero indy pace car 2

1984 hurst oldsbuick rivieradodge challenger

chevy monte carlo ss1983 hurst oldsoldsmobile cutlass pace car

t-top buick grand nationalbuick turbo regal on gratiotmonte carlo ss on gratiot

1986 monte carlo ss

the end is near, for this year:

police closing gratiot cruise

Well, at least for the official cruise, but, it’s still early, cars are still out and about, what to do now?
Head on over to Dooleys!
A few Buicks were their along with a bunch of other muscle cars, as Dooleys holds a car show there every Sunday.

daves car 1daves car 2daves car 3

Then, this guy shows up. Stays awhile. Decides to leave…
With the crowd cheering & egging Dave on, to see what exactly his car does
(I mean after all, theres them twin turbos & stuff…)
he willingly obliges them!
(and yes, Dave, the crowd WAS pretty pleased, tyvm!)

daves car 4
this is right when the turbos fully boost, (notice the front end shooting for the sky) and a split second before the tires mark the pavement for about 100 feet!
daves car 5
Leaving a big impression!

Well, the night is upon us. Time to head home after a fun day!

going home 1going home 2going home 3


Just in case you missed the FIRST PAGE of pictures from: 2013 Gratiot Cruise


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