MI: Cruising Gratiot Avenue 2013!

Yesterday’s Eastpointe Gratiot cruise had some G-bodies representing.
Not as many of course as a bigger event would have, but still…
It’s good to see the Turbo Regals out pounding the pavement!

Forgiveness in advance is needed, as I try to keep this site within a GN / TR, Buick, or at least Gbody theme, but there are those times when I stray into featuring other types of hot rods, and this is one of those times.
But I’m sure you’ll forgive me, since the cars are cool… 🙂

1987 buick grand national
1987 buick grand national
1986 buick grand national
1986 buick grand national

1986 buick regal grand national

buick tri-shield license plate

buick grand national trailer hitch
the trailer hitch is for a rack for a bicycle, not a boat!

1987 monte carlo ss

1987 chevrolet monte carlo ss

buick regal

chevy impala ss

mercury marauder

buick riviera

buick skylark

regal grand national

Buick GN

buick turbo regal

turbo buick regal

monte ss

pontiac trans am

malibu station wagon

chevy monte carlo ss

gratiot cruise sign


Want to see MORE PICS from the Gratiot Cruise?

Check out this Buick GNX that was at this event!


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