Lots of Buick patches have been produced over the years. Here's some official units, made for the dealers ...
Official Buick Patches
Official Buick Patches
1985 Buick Info Commercial Rental & Leasing Book
1985 Buick Info Commercial Rental & Leasing Book
1984 Buick Info Brochures
1984 Buick Info Brochures
Buick Ashtrays & Trinket Trays
Buick Ashtrays & Trinket Trays
Assorted Buick Dealer Patches
Assorted Buick Dealer Patches
Various Buick Dealership Patches
Various Buick Dealership Patches
Assorted Buick Dealer Keychains
Assorted Buick Dealer Keychains
Buick Know How Manuals
Buick Know How Manuals
Buick Sales Laser Video Discs
Buick Sales Laser Video Discs
Buick Dealership Advertising Key Rings
Buick Dealership Advertising Key Rings