Telegraph Cruise 2023

Last weekend, on Saturday, July 22, 2023, the annual Telegraph Road Cruise occurred.

We were down at the (all g-body cars) Ohio Classic G Body Garage show, so we had to miss out on this yearly event.

Good thing for us, we have a lot of local friends who don’t mind sharing the photos they took with us, so we can in turn, share them with you!


Thanks goes out to Pierre Bernauer, who sent us these pics.
(and look at that, he took “all g-bodied” vehicle pics! How sweet is that?!)

The first pic in the set below is his Monte Carlo SS, then his Pontiac Grand Prix. These are just 2 of the 7 (seven!) G-bodies he owns!

[Pierre specializes in selling Monte Carlo parts, should you need anything, don’t hesitate to get in touch with him, see the image below. And remember, “some” Monte parts fit other G-body cars as well, so he may have what you need!]
[or contact here:]



Next automobile event coming up, tomorrow, the (always a big turnout) Mainstreet Memories Car Show in Port Huron, on Saturday (July 29). If we don’t see YOU there, we’ll probably see your CAR!




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