Village Commons Last Car Show Farmington MI 2021

Within the Village Commons parking lot, also containing the Sidecar Slider Bar, the last car show for the 2021 season was held on Monday October 11.

The announcer proclaimed that this event has been happening for 12 years, every Monday except Holidays.

Today’s show started officially started at 4:30, and we arrived half after 5PM, figuring to give those people who had to work today enough time to make it.
We found plenty of automobiles already being shown off, and guests came in steadily until about 6:30. Not sure exactly when this show ended, but just under 2 hours of sight seeing here was enough eye candy for us for today.

Roughly 100 vehicles turned out for this event at 32720 Grand River, in Farmington, MI.

We noticed a few of the same cars from the Leons Car Show the other day, but there were a bunch of new ones we got to discover!

Like the last car show we attended, this was another Ford-heavy extravaganza, with a bunch of mustangs, but lots of other model varieties, too.
(That’s ok though, us Buick guys won’t hold that against them, lol)

An older Cadillac Catera V modified by Lingenfelter Performance was in the midst.

A few G-bodies were on display, and a couple actual Buicks at this meet (but again, not of the G-body kind).


Most Turbo Buick fans know that ASC produced the Buick GNX, but to those who aren’t aware, previous to that creation, ASC McLaren built up the Mercury Capri.
Surprisingly, at this event, there were 4 (!) of these vehicles in attendance (different years)!
(check out the pics of them below)
ASC installed logoed carpet mats in these autos, something that should have been done in the GNX!


(they have kits for ALL G-body cars too)



Here’s those ASC McLaren Mercury Capri’s:



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