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1979-1981 Buick Dealer Books & Manuals

The Buick dealer books from ’79 & ’81 had the all too familiar Buick Hawk emblazoned on the covers of the leather bound books.


Here’s what the color trim manual looked like in 1979:

1979 Buick Color Trim Selling Manual

This is the “advance edition” of the 1979 Buick service manual.
(that means it probably came out in 1978)
this was the factory book to use for repairing vehicles & contained all of the different models Buick made in it from this production year.

1979 buick service manual

A color splashed cover artwork for 1981 featuring the Buick Hawk in flying form:

1981 Buick dealer binder


Here’s some other items if you’re shopping for Buick merch:
(if you can’t see them, turn off your ad blocker!)

Here's some related Buick items if you happen to be shopping for Buick merchandise! (if you can't see them, turn off your ad blocker!)



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