For comparison’s sake, the Buick Regal owners manuals from the cars produced in the 1990’s looked much different than the ones we know well, namely the 1984-1987 versions.
The style of the 1980’s Buick Regal owners manuals was mainly rectangular (width longer than height), with a similar design on the (plain matte finish card stock paper) covers (logo top left, Regal name top right, stripe in middle, YEAR owners manual words on bottom).
It changed a little bit for 1987 (1987 owners manual words on top, embossed logo in middle, Regal name on bottom).
The 1990s versions featured glossy covers, photos of the regals, stamped silver foil logos & more.
I guess they needed to jazz up the booklets since the vehicles themselves were not all that spectacular! (all things considered; comparatively speaking)
{or who knows, maybe they had hired a new graphic artist team, or it was just time for a change}

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