How To Adjust a Steering Bump Steer Kit DIY

After we installed the steering bump steer kit on this 1987 Buick Grand National, without having an actual bump steer gauge, it’s hard to get the exact setting you need on it.
You can get relatively close, by mainly guessing and visual (height) clues, and driving the car and feeling if it reacts better than it did before.
It may take you several attempts at adjusting it to get it close to the proper setting that the suspension travel actually needs.

Not many people want to buy a $300 gauge that’s only going to get used once, maybe twice.
And most auto shops don’t even have this type of gauge.
So what to do?

We found a video that shows a method you can utilize, without having a bumpsteer gauge, how to setup your steering.



The below link explains bump steer in detail, what it is, how to adjust and set, etc., and is probably the best explanation that you’re going to find on the internet.

Using a combination of what this article contains, and the above video, this at home method will most likely get you as close as you can get without having an actual bumpsteer gauge.
That’s what we used to do ours!


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