AI Supermeme Maker! About Them Buick Grand Nationals (Part 2)

OK! We’re back.
We spent a few hours yesterday (like 4!) between writing up that post, seeing what their process does to create the memes, and actually producing the memes.

[then there’s another 4 hours today producing and doing the same!]

The site again we are making these memes at:

Ideas number 11-20 from our original list of 20 continues below.
If you didn’t see yesterdays start of this story, check it out: PART 1


11. A stock Buick Regal T-type is only as fast as a stock Buick Grand National (regardless of ad hype)

(we used the “search” feature to find some kind of “teacher,” instructional, or similar background for this one)

(text was added in with a bunch of alterations)



12. It’s a black Buick Regal WE4 – NOT a Buick Grand National!

(we continued using the “search” feature to find some kind of “teacher” type of background for this one)

(it’s a pretty commonly used one, we’re pretty sure you’ve seen it before, but works for the message we’re trying to get out on this one)

(random text was entered in the first box since it will deleted to insert our own)

(it’s easiest to move and size the existing text box to where you need them before you enter new text or alter the rest of the text. we left the font style [arial] but changed the colors and sizes, as well as added on the footer note, since we will probably share this one on some facebook pages ourselves! We like a bit of extra promotional opportunities for our own website every once in a while!)



13. Facts are Facts! 1987 = Buick Turbo T, 1983-1986 = Buick Regal T-type

(typed in: “From 1983 to 1986 The Buick Regal had a T-type package. what were those renamed to for the 1987 model year?” all answers show: Buick Turbo T)

(we used “meme maker”)

(unlike the other example memes shown yesterday & today on here we are doing, we are ONLY interested in creating a specific meme, so we don’t need any other options they supply. We modified ALL of the text to reflect the meme we made herein)

After choosing the multiple choice answer background image:
theme entered: Facts are Facts!
it spit out 3 samples and we picked the first one since we were going to delete the supplied text anyways and put in all of our new text.

The subject text for #13 was done first.
This meme is the first one you see.

Then, we thought of something else to do with this background, so we made another one! (the second image below)

(all of the text was manually entered, resized, and moved into place)

[if you actually have the time to create your own meme, this is probably the better way to go than using one of the AI generated memes!]



14. The Buick GNX IS the Top Dog for Turbo Buicks!

(from the template search for “car”)

(tons and tons of memes have used this background before, but it’s still funny when used with something that works with it!)

(we entered “buick gnx” for the topic, and it actually produced a couple funny ones, after we slightly altered the supplied text to accommodate a 2 person banter, they came out good. see the first 3 below)

(the 4th meme here is the for the actual #14 idea)

(while we had this open, we decided to do 1 more, this time with a GN version!)



15. Life is Better with a Buick Grand National

(using the “search” function from before, just scrolling down more from that “teacher” search to find something appropriate or funny)

(the bottom line only added on because of the specific image used!)



16. Enjoy Life Driving a Buick Grand National

(more background template selections by simply continuing to scroll through our past “teacher” search – there’s hundreds and hundreds of choices)

(sometimes the pictures found tell a good enough story and are good enough to use without the usual meme style of having words on top of the image. Just add a caption at the bottom using the “footer” text box!)



17. A Bad Day With a Buick Grand National is Better than a Good Day Without One

(the template search for “car” revealed few options)

(not sure we’re comfortable with this specific image, it sort of brings out horror fears, but we want to wrap up producing these images, so we’ll let it slide and let you decide if it’s too “wrong” or not)



18. A Car is Not Just a Car When it’s a Buick Grand National!

(more template searching, this was the best one we could find for the verbiage we want to incorporate for this one)



19. I Wonder if my Buick Grand National Thinks About ME, too?

(another background chosen from the “car” search, but scrolled down A LOT!)

(and yes, we’ve seen this popular template before elsewhere, but feel it kinda works for this phrase)

(and whattaya know, the 3 samples it spit out are decent as well!)



20. Why YES, IS the Best Buick website!

(our same searching / scrolling was used for this all too familar background)

(you didn’t think we were going to make a bunch memes without creating a full blown promotional version one for us, did ya?)



[do you like any of these memes you’ve seen? go ahead, steal them & post anywhere you like, we don’t mind!]


And That’s all Folks!
We used up our 20 credits, and kicked out 51 usable memes for that!
(it could have been a lot more if we would have tweaked all the ones that were supplied, but we wanted to see what we could get for the least amount of work)

It took around 8 hours to do all these, but to be fair, 1/2 that time was writing up about these 2 posts + thinking up 20 different ideas!
That’s about 9 1/2 minutes per meme averaged out, a bit over 6 per hour.

In reality (without having to publish these 2 posts), we’ll say 4 hours made 51 memes, so a little less than 5 minutes per meme. What’s a semi-custom made meme worth to you?
One that could be used as content on ALL of your social media sites?

Some of you content creators are always seeking stuff to post, these could work.
Just think, if you were able to spend just 3 (8-hour) work days producing a bunch of these, and then posted 1 of them per day to all your sites, you would have enough content for the entire year! Ya gotta think about the long run if you’re serious. Think you would garner some type of interest (“likes” or whatnot) from daily content posting? 3 days work = 365 days of content!
(but of course, you’d need a paid plan to get that many, or just find another free meme creation site to use! or perhaps create slight variations of the same meme, like we did on some of the ones we showed you, and you could realistically do 365 using just the free plan they give you on this 1 site!)


Overall, this is a pretty decent place to create memes if you need them.
We really haven’t used any other sites like this (or other meme creators), so we can’t say if it’s easier than others or not to use. It was for us.

However, for what’s it’s worth, for best results (assuming you have some words already in mind to put on a meme), it’s simple to scroll through their template database (any keyword will do & you’ll find a nice background if you scroll long enough), then text boxes are easy to manipulate to get the results you’re looking for.


This a new series of informational posts & things that are being implemented here on this website.
Some of it us useful for production, some of it just fun stuff.

The Basic Info YOU NEED to know for ALL of these “AI” sites/apps/programs:
some of these “free accounts” may post your creations on their sites, as examples of whats being done by other users.

MEANING: if what ever you are creating needs to remain “private” – FOR YOUR EYES ONLY – (as in a piece of work you intend on selling) – you will probably need to have a paid account to keep your creations secure from prying eyes!
(otherwise anyone who sees it can take it and copy it, or use it directly as their own!)

[to our knowledge, the site we did today’s memes on, does NOT store or show your creations anywhere, or to anyone else except to you]

You should also read the TOS to see if what you’re making has limitations as far as where and how you can use your newly made item. Such as “commercial use” and whatnot.

This new category on the BTR site (“AI stuff“) will be exploring other AI ROBOTS, so stay tuned to see what we’ll be experimenting with next!


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