Barn Find 1986 Buick Grand National 20 Year Storage (video)

So this is the typical barn find and usually what the vehicle first looks like when pulled out.
Purchased from a little old lady who owned this, then bought a new car, and let this Gbody Regal sit afterwards.
For about 20 years!

It’s in the typical rough shape that you’d imagine, but not too bad to try and bring it back to life.

The BIG question, is will it start and run after sitting for so long?
Check out this video and find out!

The narrator is actually pretty funny with his descriptive words and terms for the parts on this 1986 Buick Grand National. You know, especially for engines that have turbolators and doodads connected to them…

Forewarning, it’s a long video (about an hour and a half), but a real good watch if you’ve got the time.

We’ve all been there with the issues he has with this Turbo Buick, and almost all of us can relate to dealing with them.
Watch him go thru problem after problem, and fix it all to try and get this baby going.



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