Buick Automobile Documentation (Dealer Invoice & Window Sticker)

A fellow Buick Turbo Regal owner (thanks Bernie!) shared this info, so I thought I’d pass it along.
If you’re looking to get a new (reproduction) window sticker made for your TR, you also need to acquire the original (GM) vehicle invoice.
Here’s the places you need to go to to do just that.

Order your invoice, then go order the repro window sticker once you have the invoice.


GM Classic Car Documentation

Anybody with a classic GM vehicle (see list of available vehicles/ years below) that wants documentation for their records or car display can contact our GM Media Archives Vehicle Invoice group.
For a $50 fee you can get a vehicle invoice reproduction for your specific VIN.
It will show the build date and assembly plant and options and MSRP and dealer it was delivered to.

I ordered one for our ‘86 WH1 and found out that it was delivered as a GM Product Evaluation Program fleet vehicle to the Buick-Olds-Cadillac Lansing Engineering Center.
It even had the PEP prices an employee could buy it for depending on how many miles it had on it when it was taken out of the fleet.
I was able to get a reproduction window sticker (Monroney Label) from the info on the invoice from a non- GM affiliated source, Triple A Enterprises.

Here is the info from the GM Media Archives website:


Vehicle Invoices ($50)
The vehicle invoice collection is the documentation of the vehicle cost broken out by model and factory options. It contains the original ship to dealer information, MSRP and invoice number that General Motors used to bill the dealer. The collection is archived on microfilm, microfiche, CD and is organized by VIN number. The collection covers almost all cars & trucks produced in the United States starting in the mid 1970’s.* Vehicle Invoices are printed from microfilm or microfiche then scanned and emailed as an Adobe PDF for $50 USD.

Most requests for copies of dealer vehicle invoices are reproduced from microfilm and microfiche. Copies of these records may vary in quality, depending on the condition of the archived record. We will give you the highest reproduction quality possible from these media sources. We will notify you if the invoices are not legible or unavailable.

Vehicle invoices are available for the following years:

Buick from 1982
Cadillac from 1980
Chevrolet from 1977
GMC from 1976
Oldsmobile from 1977
Pontiac from 1987
Saturn from 1994
* Excludes Fleet and Exported vehicles

Website for Triple A Enterprises:



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