Buick Regal Exterior Mods

So I’m all for the “it’s your car, do what you like” theory, however crazy that particular mod may be to some fellow turbo buick enthusiasts.

Lamborghini doors, rear spoilers or aftermarket units from different vehicles, high rise hood scoops, etc., all fall into the exterior mods department.

Take a look at some of these modifications that Buick Regal owners have done to their Gbody rides.

Rear spoilers:

buick big rear spoiler

buick rear spolier

buick rear spolier 2

buick rear spolier 3

turbo buick rear wing

buick hoods & hood scoops:

hood scoop

cowl induction buick hood

custom regal hood

buick regal cowl hood

turbo buick hood scoop

not street legal

cowl induction hood buick grand national

gold honeycomb buick

buick regal one piece front end

tire carriage racks:

spare tire carriage

buick regal carriage rack

lambo / gullwing doors:

gullwing doors

1984 Buick Regal convertible lambo doors 1

1984 Buick Regal convertible lambo doors 2

1984 Buick Regal convertible lambo doors 3

1984 Buick Regal convertible lambo doors 4

hi beam headlight mesh screen overlay (cooling duct)

bright headlite air inlet vent

bright headlite air inlet vent 2


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