How to Clean the White Letters on Tires to Get Them White Again!

White letter tires look great on G-body vehicles, until they don’t.
Eventually, those sparkly white highlights on the rubber get dirty.
Then you’re left with the task of trying to get them clean.
Most of the time, they just won’t come clean with a regular scrubbing when you’re washing your Turbo Regal.


dirty dingy white letter tires


There’s several methods & products that people have used.
Try one of these solutions below if you’re struggling with dingy brown white lettered tires on your Turbo Buick.

Here’s what your fellow G-body Regal owners have suggested:
(a bunch of the methods below were tried to clean these tires shown below, some methods work better than others, but the results turned out great as you can see)




Bleech White.
Scotch Brite.
Laquer Thinner.
Wire Brush.
Wet Sand with 400 grit silicone carbide sandpaper.
Simple green and a brush.
Soft scrub cleaner, works like magic.
That AWESOME cleaner works really well on white walls.
A brush & some ajax like back in the day will get them clean.
SOS pads are phenomenal on white letter tires!
Spray nine and a sos pad works great for me.
Comet powdered cleanser and a stiff brush makes short work of it every time.

Grab an old rock that fits comfortable in your hand and the garden hose and scrub them with that, kind of a smooth one if you can find it. Works like a champ!



Well there ya go, a baker’s dozen ways to try and get your white letters on your tires white again!



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