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Buick Turbo Regal Production Figures 1978-1987

buick regalSo exactly how many Turbo Buick Regals were produced from 1978-1987?
Here’s the breakdown:

Sport Coupe   6,276

Grand National  215
Sport Coupe  2,022

total  2,237

T-Type  3,732

Grand National  2,000
T-Type  2,238
WH1  1,163

total  5,401

Grand National  2,102
T-Type  1,575
WH1  525

total  4,202

Grand National  5,512
T-Type  1,921
WH1  463

total  7,896

Base Regal w/Turbo  4,268
GNX  547
Grand National  20,193
Regal  60,600
Regal Limited  59,780
Regal Limited w/Turbo  1,035
Turbo T  1,547

total  147,970



Total Regal Grand Nationals produced from 1982 to 1987 was 30,022.
Total Turbo Ts produced: 1,547 in 1987 only.
Total Regal T Types produced was 22,806.
Total Turbocharged Regal Sport Coupes produced from 1978 to 1979 was 59,896.


Rarest Grand National: The 1982 with only 215 produced.
Rarest Turbocharged Grand National: The 1984 with 2000 produced.
Rarest Turbocharged Regal (non GNX): The 1987 Regal Limited with only 1,035 produced.
Second Rarest Turbocharged Regal: The 1987 Turbo-T with only 1,547 produced.
Rarest Regal Sport Coupe: The 1982 with only 2,022 produced.


Quickest stock Turbocharged Regal: The 1987 GNX.
Quickest stock Turbocharged non-GNX Regal: The 1987 Turbo-T.
Quickest Grand National: The 1987 Model.




Year       Total Regals          Option WE2 (Grand National)

1984            3,955                      100
1985            3,670                      143
1986            4,138                      441
1987            3,578                      1,695
1987   –   2,664 Regals excluding Limiteds **
1987   –   280 Y56 ‘T’ package ***

** using the  (1987)  3,578 figure, it can be concluded that 914 were Limiteds
*** GM Canada indicates that this figure is for models 4GJ47 only, therefore not including Regal Limiteds.

Please note that all figures shown, except for WE2 obviously, include turbo and non-turbo cars.

Most of this information is taken directly from the “Facts and Figures Book”.
This book is an excellent source of technical (and interesting) information on the Turbo Buicks!


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