Cruising Woodward on Wednesday 2023

Earlier today, we posted up all of the Turbo Regals that showed up for the annual “Woodward Wednesday” event.

THIS post has all of the other GM G-body, A-body, older Buicks, and the whatnot that we saw on Wednesday.

There were tons of cars here today, as there probably has been every day this week during “Woodward Dream Cruise Week.”

I think I talked to more people today (August 16) than I have all year long! lol.

While we didn’t technically “cruise” other than the drive to this meet up area, and the ride home, many many others did.

Lots of us just enjoyed pulling up a chair and watching the various classic cars drive by.
(with our heads bopping back and forth like watching a tennis game)

I’m sure we’ll watch you drive by over the next few days out on Woodward Avenue too (even though we may not know who you are).




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