2015 Full Throttle Open House Pics

Yesterday, Full Throttle Speed held their annual open house event at their Fraser MI warehouse location.

Lots of nice turbo buicks showed up, as well as Rick Hunt (GNX Xray) & a group from Chicago, amongst other out of towners that came in specifically for this event.

Enjoy the photos below, and don’t forget to check out Full Throttles website when you need go fast goodies for your turbo regal!



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rear view of the GNX XRAY
Rick Hunt explaining details about the gnx xray car
a 1986 WH1 original owner car!

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leather seats!

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what do you think of the seat piping on this hot air?
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Here’s Rosie!
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check out this third brake light setup
a way cool hood insulation pad sitting in FT’s office!

The COPO Camaro leaving the open house:

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A BIG Thanks to Full Throttle for sponsoring a cool show for us Buick Peeps!


Just a note that later after this show ended, there was a car show in downtown Mt Clemens.
Come back to this website tomorrow to see a post about a bunch of G bodies that were in attendance!


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