GMP Buick Diecast & Lithograph Current Prices (Jan 2015)

gmp buick diecast cars


The most accurate way to tell “real world” values on most items is to see what they are selling for on ebay.
NOT the (start) listing prices, but actual “sold” products.
It doesn’t really matter what you personally paid for these turbo regal vehicles back in the day.
Diecast model car values have dropped significantly in the last 5 years.
Need/want to see what your own buick collectible cars are worth nowadays?
This should help that desire out.
The prices below are for GMP Buick diecast car items that were sold during January 2015. It only includes the diecasts that were listed on ebay, it is not a complete list of all of the buick models that were ever produced. The prices listed are a total buying price, meaning shipping was included in the totals. Prices are rounded up to the nearest dollar. Items were complete as originally sold from the manufacturer (including boxes, paperwork, etc. where applicable).
The links shown next to these items are NOT the actual items sold, just the same item mentioned in the below list, so you can refer to the specific buick vehicle (etc) being referred to.
{all links open in a new window}

1985 GN, complete, $51, ( see this HERE )
1:18 (cars only):
1987 WE4, (#3 of 3 in a set), $62, ( see this HERE )
Lithographs ONLY (just the buick posters, no cars):
* GN vs red Corvette on highway (slower vehicles keep right), $28, ( see this HERE )
* Molly Reflections (red car image inside door of gn), $20, ( see this HERE )
* 1986 & 1987 GN (Ron Yuille), $45, ( see this HERE )
* Kenny Duttweiler (with his red regal), $21, ( see this HERE )
* 2003 Buick Centennial, $12, ( see this HERE )
1:18 cars + Lithographs (complete sets with everything included originally):
* 1983 Molly prototype red car, $89, ( see this HERE )
* GMP 10th Anniversary Black Chrome GN, $151, ( see this HERE )
* Buick Centennial Black Chrome GNX, $80, ( see this HERE )


Want to see the descriptive overview on all of the 1:24 scale models:
GMP 1:24 Turbo Buick Diecast Series


Want to see the descriptive overview on all of the 1:18 scale models, including lithographs:
GMP 1:18 Turbo Buick Diecast Series


Want to see current listings of GMP Buicks for sale on ebay?



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