Hooking up an Aftermarket Fan (Wiring Relay Switch)

We saw the following online through one of the many Facebook groups we belong to.
(there’s a lot of smart people in them, but to be fair, there’s also some people who shouldn’t be passing out advice at all!)

[ we forgot to write down who initially posted this reference material, but thanks to them you get some good how to info ]

Thought it might be useful to some people as exactly how to wire up an aftermarket electric fan.

(in case you don’t want to, or can’t get, one of the prebuilt plug and play relay kits that are available for Turbo Regals)

Here’s 2 similar but slightly different methods (see pics).

Your specific fan may be different from the ones shown.
The relay you use may also be different.
BE SURE to check if these particular wiring methods will suit your own application!

The first (first pic), allows you to physically (manually) turn on the fan from inside the interior cabin.

[ which is handy after you turn your car off and the engine bay heat keeps rising due to nothing flowing after engine shut down ]

[ which, assuming that the stock Fan Delay Relay isn’t hooked up or working, or eliminated altogether ]

The second (second pic) uses a coolant temperature switch which will turn the fan on automatically when the switch gets to the set temperature of the switch.

[ the oem system uses this method using a cooling temperature switch to turn the fan on when it gets over 208* ]



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