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Leason’s Sunday Car Show Warren MI Oct 2022

Continuing on with our venturing out to the smaller local car shows, this time around we find ourselves at Leason’s Dairy Bar and Grille.

Every Sunday there’s a car show here, located on 13 Mile Road (near Hoover), in Warren, Mich.

The 10-2-2022 event brought out about 20 vehicles, but considering it’s late in the season, we weren’t surprised (even though it was a nice, warm sunny day).

We ran into that two-tone (gold/white) Buick LeSabre again, the same one that was at the church car show yesterday. It’s great seeing these older autos out and about.

Leason’s seems like a place for locals to come hang out, eat ice cream and shoot the breeze with friends.
That’s exactly what one local car club (Twisted Axle Car Club – you can find them here: does (but they come here on Tuesdays).

Meeting up somewhere also gives you an opportunity to take your ride out for a spin (which is one of TACC’s mottos: #IdriveMyShit), and isn’t that what the car culture is really about, driving your automobiles, showing them off, and hanging out with other auto aficionados? (plus ice cream is always good, too!)

The parking lot here isn’t huge, but could probably hold 100 cars if it had to (with any overflow in the connected lots next door).
Perhaps we will come back here next year earlier in the season, to check things out again (and to get more ice cream!).




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