Down On Main Street Clawson MI 2022

There’s just something about a small town larger car show that has piles of cars lined up all along a Main Street of the city, that’ll bring a smile to your face.

That was just the case on Saturday, August 13, 2022, when several hundred cars gathered in Clawson, Michigan for the annual “Down On Main Street” car show.

A couple Turbo Regals, some G-bodies, A-bodies, and older Buicks strewn in between a plethora of other hot rods, muscle cars, and the like.

We heard someone say this show pretty much gives everyone a participation trophy!
(look at the pics of the quantity of trophies! it must take them a couple hours to pass them all out!)

With all of the cool vehicles that attend this show, we’ve made this event a staple in our “must attend” list.
(you should too)




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Hey, Turbo Buick Fan!

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