MI Telegraph Car Cruise 2021

Even with the rain that came through SouthEastern Michigan, cruisers were out and about at the annual Telegraph Cruise from 2 weeks ago (Saturday July 24, 2021).

(some hot rodders decided that they wanted this semi-rained out event to take place the following week on Saturday 7-31-21, and apparently there were some cruisers out there doing their thing)

We didn’t attend either of these events, as we were at the G-body Classic Car Show down in Ohio on the 24th.

One of our good BTR readers, and fellow Turbo Regal owner, shot a bunch of pics for us since we couldn’t be there! (Thanks!)


There’s quite a few car cruises and shows in August coming up, Woodward (the Wednesday Buick meetup, then the normal Dream Cruise day on Saturday), Hines, Harper, amongst several others.
We hope to see lots of Buicks & other G-bodies at these events!



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