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Old School Tech: Poston, ATR, BGC, Reds

You might have used some of these items in the past.
Old school technology is what was available back in the day to make our G-bodies go faster.
Now we have new tech that makes our Turbo Regals go even faster!

Enjoy the stroll down memory lane…


Dial a boost controller


Applied Technologies ATR EMC-10 fuel-air-spark control module:


Applied Technologies ATR EMC-10 fuel-air-spark control module Applied Technologies ATR EMC-10 fuel-air-spark control module 3 Applied Technologies ATR EMC-10 fuel-air-spark control module 2


atr oil filter adapter
ATR oil filter adapter


Bowling Green Customs Elbow and 3inch Downpipe
BGC Elbow for 3inch Downpipe
bowling green customs huge intercooler
bowling green customs huge intercooler



NOS ATR Blow Off Valve
NOS ATR Blow Off Valve
poston thumbwheel ecu chip
poston thumbwheel ecu chip
Red Armstrong volt booster


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