Wanted! Let’s See YOUR Turbo Buick Regals!

Think it would be cool to see YOUR CAR on THIS website?
Want to let your fellow Turbo Buick owners check out your ride?
We’d like to see what you’re driving as well!

THIS is the place to do it!

There’s a new section (category) on this website called “Turbo Buick Owners
(you’ll find it in the main menu bar, on the far right, under the “Regal Tales” button).
That’s where you can see other buick peeps vehicles!

SUBMIT YOUR PICTURES (jpg’s) to us so we can let our readers scope out & compare what they got, to what you got!

{while we’d prefer turbo regals, we are also open to any other rare, cool, different Buick vehicles too!}

email us pics, including any pertinent information about your turbo regal that you wish to share.
let us know if you want to share your name & location too (if not, that’s ok, we will just use your initials).
send to: buickgncollectibles AT yahoo DOT com

[by submitting your info/pics you give us permission to print it on BuickTurboRegal.com]


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