Woodward Wednesday Buick Meet 2023

The yearly Woodward Wednesday Buick Meet for 2023, held tradition in the Staples parking lot (just North of Square Lake Rd), on August 16th.

Somewhere around 60 Turbo Regals made an appearance throughout the day, as many Buick owners came and went, and others went and then came back later.
Made it kind of diffifult to keep track of an exact number!

The weather was great, and lots of other GM G-bodied vehicles, A-bodies, and older Buicks also participated in this annual event.

My shoes got a lot of wear today while checking out all the sweet rides that showed up! But totally worth it!


THIS post contains all of the Turbo Buicks that were on display.

Another post this afternoon will show you everything else present today, as well as the assorted automobiles that were cruising down Woodward Avenue.

[because with the 200+ photos I took here, it’s easier to just separate them all up!]


Tomorrow we’re taking a break from the Woodward scene, and heading over to Sanders (on Hall Rd).

Then Friday is the Berkley CruiseFest Classic Car Parade, which is always enjoyable, and we’ll probably end up back on Woodward after this event, to catch what’s out there.

Saturday is the big day! Woodward Dream Cruise! We’ll be there too.


We’re half way thru the busiest car event month of the year!
There’s 21 car cruises / shows available to go to on our car event list, not even counting the numerous other weekly cruise-in type places you could show up at.
We have been to 6 already (plus 3 weeklies), and plan on attending 6 more, for a total of a dozen (actually 15) in August!
How many did you make it to?
(if your answer will be less than 5 for this month – you’re definitely doing it wrong!)



see your car herein? feel free to “right click and save” it if you want to!



Check back on this site this afternoon for the rest of today’s pictures!

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