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1986 Buick Regal T Type FBI Car!

Sure, we’ve seen other Buick Grand National Police cars as well as Buick Regal T Type Police cars, and there was that neat FBI Buick Grand National diecast car that was created.
Heck, we even modified some GMP diecasts into Turbo Regal Cop cars back in the day.

Every so often, we hear stories about these assorted Buick Regals that were purchased by the various law enforcement agencies.

One recent story we read about was a 1986 Buick Regal T Type FBI Car.

These FBI cars pretty much looked like regular Regal T Types on the outside.
With the addition of a 140 MPH speedometer, most likely a modified computer chip (removing the speed limiter), and a trailer hitch, which might have been used like a rear support / stabilizer bar for the rear section of the frame (to provide a similar effect like the rear frame brace we installed on the Buick GN). We can’t imagine they’d really be towing anything, but then again, who knows…

The pictures on this California car show GNX style wheel flares, and GNX wheels, which were probably added on after the original sale of this Gbody Regal.

It’s always pretty cool seeing the history of these Turbo Buicks, and their lifespans of all the different arenas that these vehicles have made their way into.



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