2019 DRIVEarama at DRIVE One TechCenter Roseville MI

On Sunday, July 28, 2019, the Drive One TechCenter held their 3rd annual “DRIVEarama” – a car show / open house / enrollment event at their Roseville, MI location.

It was a local nice small turnout that I just happened to attend since I know one of the students that was educated there.
A few G-bodies showed up, and I met IRL (In Real Life) Rick Fewer, the owner of that blue Regal (with the fat black stripe going over the trunk & rear quarter panel) that you’ve probably seen on Facebook if you’re a local Michigan resident.

It was kinda neat seeing inside the school, actually more of a garage type shop. Various automotive tools, machines, some vehicles (race cars & otherwise) being worked on, drafting rooms, and clay model cars.

The local bouncy-bounce low rider club was in attendance, as you can see in the pics.



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