2019 Woodward Wednesday! (AKA Local MI Buick Meetup Day)

What do you get when you combine a GNX, 4 WH-1’s, a few (real) fast race Buicks, some colored Turbo T’s, a parking lot full of big bad black Grand Nationals, and a few well known Buick guys?

If you’ve never experienced this day of days, THIS is the yearly event for local MI Buick guys (and a few out of towners too) to gather themselves and their G-body Regals and head out to the annual meeting spot (the Staples parking lot just North of Square Lake Road) on Woodward Avenue.

You’ll almost see virtually every option made available on the Turbo Regals at this event if you walk around to check out your brethren’s vehicles.

You might also run into some well-known Buick peeps too.

Rick Hunt (owner of the GNX XRAY) graciously made an appearance, and it’s always great to talk to this friendly and knowledgable guy! (too bad his car is down at the moment for an engine transplant – but from the details I heard… look out later this year…!)

Scott Mitchell brought out Tim Szabo’s “Big G” car, with Tim showing up later in the day.
(mmmm… go fast goodies on the Big G!)

Jay Shammas turned up with his twin-turbo WH-1 Regal!

Bruce (& his wife Holly) from Agressive Auto attended with their cool Cadillac.

A new guy to the arena named Tim owns a neat red Buick Special with the heart of the Turbo Buick! He popped in the 3.8 Liter SFI Turbocharged V6 from a 1987 Buick Grand National! Kudos to this guy for making it look like it came from the factory that way!
(neat, clean, tidy, now THAT is the way to do a transplant! check out the pics!)

Thanks goes out to Turbo Tom for always arriving early to secure our front row parking spots, and to Kyle for the tent & cooking food on the grill!

In total, well over 50 Turbo Regals came & went throughout the course of the day!
(some would have stayed later, but there was a bit of Hellcat hunting to do…)

It was great to see all my regular Buick friends and the new ones I met as well.
My throat hurts from talking to just about every Buick owner!

Hope you guys enjoy the pics, it took me about 3 hours to create this post!



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