About All The 2024 Car Shows & Cruises

The car show and cruise season has been pretty much officially over for 2024 as of the end of October.

(well, at least for events at most venues, but some guys are still cruising their hot rods around to various places by themselves, or meeting up with a friend or two at a certain spot, just to hang out or to drive their classic cars a bit more before snow hits the ground)

How many car events did you go to, or actually participate in this year?
Was it as many as you went to the year before?
Was it as many as you’d hoped for?
Are you disappointed you didn’t attend more of them?



We’re extremely proud of ourselves, this year we wanted to hit up a bunch of new places we’ve never been to before (even if it meant not going to some of the big ones we’ve been to previously, since they were often on the same days), and really exceeded our intended goals of doing that!

We attended 22 new (to us) shows this year! (about 1/3 of the shows we went to!)
And a total of 65 car events for 2024!
That’s 6 more places than we went to in 2023!
That’s A LOT!
(65- we’re pretty sure that’s a new yearly record for us!)

(Heck, the 22 new shows we went to is more than some of you attended all year long based on our research!)

Next year we want to hit up a few more new-to-us places that we didn’t get to in 2024.
Since we attended a bunch of these new spots, with some good and some not so good, we already know the best ones we want to go to again.

We probably won’t be setting any new attendance records in 2025, we’re only trying to hit up the best of the best shows, now that we have a good idea of which exact ones to go to. (maximizing the effort for a gratifying return!)

Results of attending so many car shows in 2024?
A lot of gas, a lot of miles, a lot of walking, and a lot of smiles too!



The other goal we had was to actually drive the Buick GN to these places more often.
We succeeded (mostly) in that as well, even though many of these gatherings had to be attended still using the daily driver (because it was really more convenient to get to them from where we were currently at, at the time, rather than driving all the way home to get the Turbo Regal then going out to these events).

We think we drove more miles this year in our Gbody Regal than any other year in the last decade!
Next year we intend to do the same, but hopefully even more!

Did you drive your muscle car as often as you wanted to?
Did you have loads of fun this year with it?

You have to make the effort, or fix whatever is wrong with it (that’s preventing you from driving it), to be able to accomplish the task of attending car shows.

Sure, garage queens are ok if that’s why you bought it.
But wouldn’t you rather be out and about cruising around in it?
You know, picking up chicks, racing stoplight to stoplight, or just looking cool while going down the road?
(ha ha)

Don’t lose hope.
There’s always next year…
Set some goals, go have fun, isn’t that what the hot rodder lifestyle is all about?

Thanks for putting up with our antics and following along with us in 2024.
Hope to see you on the pavement in 2025!


Want to check out some of the 65 venues we attended?
(we try to include the actual venue & scenery in pics, along with the cars in all of our posts)
LOOK here: Automobile events


[ a brief pause while we hear a word from our sponsor… Remember hearing an announcement like this? We’re not sure they still do things like that, and younger people may have no idea what we are even talking about! ]

Now might be a good time to replace all those dim and dingy light bulbs in your Turbo Buick… (or any other GM Gbody for that matter)

Check out the LED kits below!
Do your entire car all at once!
Your eyesight, as well as your vehicles safety, will thank you!


> GM A-body LED kits <   are available as well !


[ and we now return to our regularly scheduled programming… lol ]


Finally, our goal for next year is to again hit up a few more new to us shows and events, with attending some not-so-close places (Grand Rapids, racing events in Ohio, etc.), and taking the Buick GN to the racetrack!

Hope to see more G-body’s as well, like yours, so bring ’em out so we can show them off on THIS website!


Our game plan for car show posts (for next year), is to show more detailed shots on the individual cars that we post.

So instead of seeing 50 photos of 50 different cars, there may be only about 30-40 total photos, but with like 3-4 pics of just 10 cars, with the focus on being only G-body’s (only Turbo Buicks would be great, but there’s not always that many Buick Regals in attendance at the shows we attend!).

We’re trying to narrow down the focus a bit, to fit more in style with the overall topic of this website.


Thanks for listening, and take care of yourselves during the winter season.

DON’T FORGET to subscribe to this website so you DON’T MISS OUT on any of the cool Buick related information we’ll be posting about!
(use the popup, or the form on the sidebar)

Reading about these things will surely make the winter go by a lot quicker, and you won’t miss your Turbo Regals as much!


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