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banner ads for header
banner ads for header
banner ads for header
banner ads for header
banner ads for header
banner ads for header
banner ads for header
banner ads for header
banner ads for header
banner ads for header
banner ads for header
banner ads for header
banner ads for header
banner ads for header

This is the page where you order advertising on this website.
If you need to see the exact details, specs and info about ads, LOOK HERE.

As a reminder, we ONLY accept ads for automobile related products and services.


Text Link Ad on BTR Site $40.00

Your (up to) 5 word ad underneath the “3.8 Liter Friends Column” in the sidebar on the BTR site.

Permanent ad placement when you purchase this!

BE SURE to include these details in the “message box” when you order thru paypal:
1. Your Keywords (up to 5 words)
2. Your URL for the text (where to send people when ad is clicked).

IF you need complete details about advertising on the BTR site: LOOK HERE

(please make sure your email address is included, as well as a message stating what you are ordering!)


Header Banner Ad on BTR Site $200

468×60 display ad placed in the header of the BTR website within the rotating box at the top of the page.

Permanent ad placement when you purchase this!

BE SURE to include these details in the “message box” when you order thru paypal:
1. If you have a banner ad already made, & where it is hosted.
2. (OR) If you have banner, but it is NOT hosted online right now.
3. (OR) if you need a new banner created (free with purchase).
2. Your URL for the banner (where to send people when ad is clicked).

Your same ad will also appear on the Turbo Buick Parts for sale page (FREE)!

IF you need complete details about advertising on the BTR site: LOOK HERE

(please make sure your email address is included as well as a message stating what you are ordering!)


Sidebar Display Ad on BTR Site $375

125×125 display ad placed on the sidebar of the BTR website under the “Turbo Regal Dealers/Vendors” column.

Permanent ad placement when you purchase this!

BE SURE to include these details in the “message box” when you order thru paypal:
1. If you have a display ad already made, & where it is hosted.
2. (OR) If you have a 125×125 ad, but it is NOT hosted online right now.
3. (OR) if you need a new ad created (free with purchase).
4. Your URL for the ad (where to send people when ad is clicked).
5. details for what you wish on the page marked “**” below!

Your same ad will also appear on the Turbo Buick Parts for sale page (FREE)!

** Your same ad will also appear on its own separate page on the BTR Site, along with whatever else info you wish to publicize. (company details; new product announcement; existing single product; etc.).
{the info for/on this page can be the same or different than the ad you are running for this sidebar display ad purchase}.
At the end of the post, we will also link to your website (or elsewhere) via linked text.

Content (verbage) for this special post can be any reasonable length (as long as you write it), and may include photos as well if you wish.
{we will NOT print your entire product catalog, so please don’t ask! We also reserve the right to refuse printing of any inappropriate content, as well as make edits or corrections if necessary}

IF you need complete details about advertising on the BTR site: LOOK HERE

(please make sure your email address is included as well as a message stating what you are ordering!)


Looking to acquire a specific contextual (word/phrase) link on 1 of the existing pages on the site?
Want a phrase/keyword inserted on a specific page? That can be accomplished! Purchase below or contact us if you need more details.

Keyword/phrase Contextual Link Ad on BTR Site (1 link on any page of your choice) $40
{NOTE: there are a few pages on the site where we DO NOT allow these types of links to appear, you will be contacted if you select one of these pages}
{ONLY auto-related ads & links will be accepted! There are NO exceptions!}

(please make sure your email address is included as well as a message stating what you are ordering!)


IF you need complete details about advertising on the BTR site: LOOK HERE

IF you need to more info or have questions, use our CONTACT FORM.