Assorted Buick Auto Dealers Trunk Badges Emblems

Spread out all across this great nation, there are (or were) Buick automobile dealerships in every single state. Many of these dealers of course, were not just representing the Buick model line as the only cars they sold. They covered at least one other (often more) of the GM brands in their stables.

Liking being different, and having unusual and odd collectible type items, I’ve often thought about how cool it would be to create a large map on the wall of the U.S., and pasting a Buick dealer badge from each state in their respective spots.
It sure would be something different!
But I’d imagine an expensive undertaking as well, since most Buick dealership emblems sell for a minimum of $5 each (ebay), and can go up to $25-30 or more per emblem (sometimes WAY more).
That project would have to be an ongoing task, as not every state is being auctioned off at any given time.

At any rate, here’s a sampling of a variety of United States Buick car dealer badges.



Here's some related Buick items if you happen to be shopping for Buick merchandise! (if you can't see them, turn off your ad blocker!)





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