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Buick Dealership Advertising Emblems

The emblems affixed to the trunks of some Buick vehicles by the various Buick Automobile Dealerships across the country offered a free opportunity to gain extra exposure for these dealers.

Dealer emblems also offer a heritage issue as well, as isn’t it neat being at a local car show, and seeing one of these emblems from a different state than the one you’re currently in?
Some Turbo Regals have travelled far from their originating place to the existing destination.

I know some here locally in Michigan, which were built around here in Flint, MI, were sent down to the Southern part of the USA to be sold at the Buick dealers down there, and then ended up right back here by Buick owners wanting them (since they weren’t in the rust bucket states all of their lives), thus, basically completing the circle of life.

Below we show you some assorted Buick Dealership advertising emblems that might have been placed on a few Turbo Buick Regals!



Here's some related Buick items if you happen to be shopping for Buick merchandise! (if you can't see them, turn off your ad blocker!)





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