Buick Dealership License Plates

Head back to the late 1980s when Buick dealerships placed their own branded license plates on the front of every single car they had in stock.
Free publicity was the name of the game. And for the most part, it worked for them.
Below you’ll find a selection of front buick dealer license plates that could be found on new Buick Regal vehicles (as well as other cars too).
Happy the Hawk, the tri shield crest, and other Buick monikers could be found on these plates.


jim kelley buick hawk plate

tom kelley buick license plate set

Payette Buick Dealership license plate

roberts buick license plate

tom haggerty buick license plate

floyd dugan buick

countryside buick dealership

lee kinstle dealership license plate

Ray Rudd Dealership plate

slone buick plate

joseph buick gmc plate

borcherding buick plate


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