Buick Grand National Diecast Car Holiday Ornaments

With the recent popularity this year of the Christmas tree ornaments made from (or containing within) the Buick Grand National diecast cars, like the O’reilly globe type, and the Walmart Holiday set version, some creative entrepreneurs have decided to produce their own limited edition Buick Holiday ornaments to try and cash in.

These are all custom made, with some wheels changes or perhaps other modifications done to them, meaning they are 1 of a kind creations. The custom hanging hooks at the top are said to balance the diecast cars out so they lay totally horizontal when hung on your tree (or elsewhere).

These below are from an Ebay seller (Matchbox Monkey), and are available from $35-$50 should they be of interest to your collection.



Here's some related Buick items if you happen to be shopping for Buick merchandise! (if you can't see them, turn off your ad blocker!)





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