Buick Regal Special RPO Packages

The most common packages for the Buick Regal are as follows:

~ LC2 Turbo package

~ LM9 Turbo package

~ WE2 Grand National appearance package

~ WE4 Turbo T appearance package

~ W11 T-Type appearance package

~ W05 Regal Limited Coupe

The GNX Package is RPO T2L
and includes all of the codes for RPO WE2
including the codes B71, N83 and QYZ
even though these were removed at McLaren ASC for the GNX exclusive componets for which no RPO codes are designated.

All cars with codes LC2, MX0, MW9 and GU6 will have the code D7I which is the speedometer drive gear code.


In future posts, the breakdown on the specific codes & options used in each of the above packages will be given.

Check back soon!


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