Buick spread the word to the news outlets in a brochure entitled “News Media Information” AKA a press release, that contained all the specs about the 1981 Bui...
Before the mainstream of the internet age, some of the Buick Clubs produced newsletters for their members. These featured stories about participants cars, buick vendors,...
If you own a 1982 Buick Regal, you might have, or be interested in the literature that was produced at the time. Check out the last pic of a mixed musical cassette tape B...
Just like all the other hotrods, muscle cars & other vehicles, the Buick Grand National has appeared in several magazines over the years. Here’s some pics of j...
For our select Buick crowd, there have been several how to books written about the problems of our beloved Turbo Buick Regal. Mainly written by the folks who came across...
In 1984, the first all black Regal Grand National would be introduced to the market! The Buick press kit for 1984 would include a cool 2 sided brochure with all the detai...
The 1978 Buick Press Kit contained photos of the v6 3.8 liter turbocharged engine! Granted, this is the “hot air” version, but still, this is the beginnings o...
The earlier press kits that buick released to the media and other sources were minimal (few photos, 1 page description sheets, etc.) compared to similar Buick Press kits...
There were no Grand Nationals for 1983, but you could order a decked out, sleek looking, two-tone 3.8 liter turbocharged Buick Regal T-type, using the 1983 Buick Regal Bu...